Saturday, December 21, 2019
White Christmas...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Article: Uncomfortable Truths About the ADHD Nervous System
Monday, October 7, 2019
Chronic Fatigue
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
In March, my kiddo's school asked me to take care of the props and costumes for the school play. The play was Anon(ymous) by Naomi Iizuka. I had SO MUCH fun! And the kids were awesome.
Below: meat grinder, in progress. (I don't have a pic of the completed version, but it was quite gory.)
This was the "sausage" that had to be eaten onstage. (It's actually watermelon with brown food coloring. Pretty realistic, no?)
In another scene there's a character who eats super hot chilies. I made these out of white chocolate with red food coloring and a candy mold.
Several scenes take place in a sweatshop. This was a challenge: where would we get six or eight sewing machines? In the end I decided I had to make them. I took my inspiration from this tutorial here. I think they came out pretty well.
This is what they looked like onstage.
The "thread cones" I made to go with the machines. I spray painted disposable plastic cups primer grey, then used spray adhesive and wrapped on the twine. After I took this pic, I made "thread guides" by cutting wire coat hangers and sticking them through the top of the cups. They had a tendency to droop over, so I cut rounds of cardboard to fit in the base of each cup and stabilize the "thread guide".
Multi-Year Project
Above: These are the sections I finished the first year.
Above: My process takes over a big section of the table.
My glass
In process -- It's flipped upside down so I can work on it. I use a dry erase marker to sketch out my design on the top before I flip it over and start sticking glass to the bottom.
This is how I left it after this summer. Only one and a half panels to go!